Sarvam Parse
Given a PDF, this API helps to get structured extraction of data in the document.The API returns a base64 encoded XML string containing the extracted data.
Your unique subscription key for authenticating requests to the Sarvam AI Speech-to-Text API. " "Here are the steps to get your api key", example="dxxxxxx-bxxx-4xxx-axxx-cxxxxxxxxxxx
Upload the PDF file you want to parse. This should be uploaded as a form input if you're using multipart/form-data Note: Sarvam Parse supports only English PDFs currently.
The page number you want to extract data from. This is a one-based index (meaning, the first page is 1).
The mode of parsing to use: Use 'large' for better accuracy (more detailed parsing).
The base64 encoded HTML string corresponding to the parsed page. The output will be an empty string if parsing fails for some reason.