All API endpoints are authenticated using API Subscription Keys provided by Sarvam AI when you sign up. Include these keys in the header of each API request as follows:

api-subscription-key: <your-api-key>

Obtaining Your API Subscription Key

  1. Sign Up: Create an account on the Sarvam Dashboard
  2. Generate Key: When you sign up, an API key is generated for your account and shown in the dashboard.
  3. Organisation Key Management: Create Organisational level keys is not currently supported and will be available soon.

Using the API Subscription Key

To authenticate your requests, include the API-Subscription-Key in the headers of your HTTP requests. Here’s an example using Python and the requests library:

import requests

url = '<api-endpoint>'
headers = {
    'API-Subscription-Key': 'your-api-key'
data = {
    'text': 'Sarvam AI is a powerful platform for LLM tasks.'

response =, headers=headers, json=data)

Best Practices for API Key Management

  1. Keep Your Key Secret: Never expose your API key in public repositories or client-side code.
  2. Use Environment Variables: Store your API key in environment variables rather than hardcoding it in your application.
  3. Monitor Usage: Regularly check your API usage on the Sarvam dashboard. You should be able to see the credits utilised & remaining